Improve your
creative workflow

Improve quality, customer opinions and efficiency with interactive video reviews. And the best thing: You got to keep everything in your own hands.

visual representation of the software layout
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Collaboration made easy

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit blandit id dolor venenatis auctor maecenas egestas arcu ut consectetur.

feedback loop icon

Use a feedback loop to achieve excellence

Iterate on your videos to boost visuals and audio quality. Get new creative ideas from team members

calendar icon

Reduce unnecessary Meetings

No need to meet customers or colleagues for reviews. No more scheduling problems

productivity icon

Increase Productivity

More time for editing, color grading and vfx. Forget sifting through mountains of emails or video notes.

feedback icon

More precise communication

No more scattered and possibly contradictory feedback.

workflow icon

Easy Workflow

Copy the files to your own server. Assign reviewers and start the feedback loop. Wait for comments and approvals.

risk indicator icon

Reduce Risk

Test audience understanding and reactions through feedback and improve engagement immediately.

A storage capacity display, where much of the storage is empty.

Keep it in your own hands

LOOP is designed to run on your server, regardless of the operating system. So you can use your video backup server for reviews at the same time.

security icon

Decide how it should be accessed

Restrict access to your local network or make it accessible over the internet.

settings icon

Customization and control

Configure LOOP for your requirements and customize the design to fit your corporate identity. (Coming soon)

storage icon

No artificial storage limitation

The storage you have on your server is the storage you can use.

Every comment in one Place

The easiest way to give and receive feedback.

comment icon

Text comments

Leave text comments which are automatically assigned to an exact timestamp and position in the video.

brush icon

Draw functionality

Use the draw tool to show the editor exactly what you mean.

a text and a drawn comment on a video
version select screen

Automatic version detection

version icon

Detect versions by name

If you use a consistent naming scheme, you can configure LOOP to detetct and connect versions automatically.

version select icon

Compare Versions

Easily switch between versions to compare them.

Start your feedback loop today

How to get started

Eget mi proin sed libero enim sed faucibus viverrate maecenas accumsan lacus vel facilisis volutpat viverra maecenas accumsan it.


Create your account

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consec adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore elit.

Create Account - Dark X Webflow Template

Customize your profile

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consec adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore elit.

Customize Your Profile - Dark X Webflow Template

Start earning money

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consec adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore elit.

Start Earning Money - Dark X Webflow Template

What our clients say

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit blandit id dolor venenatis auctor maecenas egestas arcu ut consectetur.

“A truly next-gen trading app”

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing platea amet risus tincidunt erat lacus eu id nisl commo sit purus integer purus quis amet fames egestas inter.

Matt Cannon
VP of Marketing at Facebook
Testimonial - Dark X Webflow Template

“The best app for trading

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing platea amet risus tincidunt erat lacus eu id nisl commo sit purus integer purus quis amet fames egestas inter.

Matt Cannon
VP of Marketing at Facebook
Testimonial - Dark X Webflow Template

Start your feedback loop today